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標本検索 図書検索 貝はともだち キッズコーナー 西宮の貝・自然

・Enter one or more keywords in the Free Word Search field. The keyword search looks for all the words in the title and author of books and magazines.
・When you put more than one keyword, put a space between keywords.
・When you search by author’s name, put a space between the first name and last name.
・There is no distinction between capital and lowercase letters. Type a number other than Chinese numeral in half-size character.

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地域情報  Theme (regional information)    
西宮市の自然 兵庫県の自然(西宮市を除く)
Nature in Nishinomiya CityNature in Hyogo Prefecture excluding Nishinomiya City
資料種別  Material type  
一般書・論文集 目録 図鑑・図譜
   Book    Catalog    Reference/Pictorial Book
レッドデータブック 児童書 定期刊行物
   Red Data Book    Children's Book    periodical
別刷(著者日本) 別刷(著者外国) その他
   Japanese author    non-Japanese author    others